MY HOME IS A CASTLE--the tale of how and why I became a chatelain , four times .This is my present home. If you are visiting for the first time you may care to read the older posts first.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
To pass time whilst immobile I decided to write a book about my passion for ' la vie du chateaux' but now even after 28,000 words I am doubting my writing ability, and whether the subject matter is interesting enough, so the eagerness to continue is waning. I am , at present, living with my partner plus an afghan hound and three donkeys, in the fourth Château here in the Auvergne. It is an extremely pretty building in a wonderful setting, however we have lived here now for six years and the urge to move is cropping up again . My ancestors must all have been nomads! I think the present inactive property market will solve that problem for me , but I would be interested in what you think?
Until my next blog, keep well and happy everyone
au revoir! x
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Just when we thought life was beginning to settle down following the nearly disastrous golf incident ( re posts 2nd and 6th May) life took another turn ( more like a somersault) when our daughterMichaela and her boyfriend Darren announced they were going to be married!!!! and, bliss upon bliss, they wanted to get married in France-- and more than that, they wanted the celebrations to take place at our lovely Chateau la Roche Hue!
What a wonderful surprise it was , but we knew it would not be the easiest of occasions to organise for any of us! For a start, all the rest of our family and friends lived in England, and all of Darren's family live in England too! However, that did not dampen the joy of the occasion and we all set to work! Fortunately Michaela was absolutely fluent in French having worked in France for years before she joined the CruiseLines. Darren could not speak french at all , so Michaela did all the formal arranging with the local ' Mairie' ( Town Hall), and with the church. In France there are two wedding ceremonies , the first is the formal ' official' ceremony which takes place at the town hall presided over by the Mayor -- this takes place a few days before the church wedding and is less formal, similar to a register office ceremony in England .The second is the religious ceremony in the Church and is quite formal.
Invitations were sent out , and there were very few refusals ! Darrens' family decided to hire a large bus to transport everybody over in one go. Our family and friends were all going to arrive independantly in their cars. Everybody decided to make a short holiday out if it so it was a good job we had the accomodation for everybody, and what a blessing the apartments included kitchens, so everybody could self-cater during their stay ( phew)! It was early Spring-time so we had no bookings arranged, thank goodness! Outside caterers were arranged for the wedding day and Michaela and I made the fruit wedding cake tiers ourselves because in France they do not use fruit cake for weddings. I had them professionally decorated and mounted. So here are some pictures, they are all snap shot photos I'm afraid......

Michaela and Darren at the official ceremony at the Town hall, the Mayor is wearing the sash, Alex has the video camera.

The happy couple after the ceremony, they said aferwards that it felt strange and that they didn't feel married at that point , not until after the Church wedding.
The wedding day dawned and the caterers arrived early.......

The first thing to be set up was the wedding cake
I thought that they did a great job of decorating it - so pretty!
It was chaos in our bedroom, I was helping Michaela get dressed and she was not happy with her hair, we tried it every which way, then, suddenly she scruffed it all up on top of her head, held in place with a few grips, we put the veil in place, and she was beautiful, I am welling up writing this, but she was a vision. I am limited for photos on this post I am afraid, and I cannot find any taken at the church......
but here is a photo taken of the happy pair on their return from the church...

and the newspaper coverage showed ' their' knowledge of the English language :-)
Then several photocalls...

On the back steps of the Chateau, with just a few of our side of the family, another shot was taken with Darren's family and friends.
Then it was inside for ' le Vin d'Honneur ' and the champagne flowed! I smile now looking at my outfit! Talk about Joan Collins' shoulder pads-- however they were the rage at the time- but why did I choose black as the dominant colour????
Not only was the day itself a momentous occasion, it was 4/5 days of fun and partying, because most everybody arrived a day or two before the wedding and stayed a couple of days after, and we had the room for partying, and the pool and the horses, so everybody had such a good time.
Lovely memories!
Friday, May 8, 2009

" Come on Pet, up this hill, show them what you can do!"

" What is wrong with everybody today! They are all complaining! Keep quiet, I am trying to do a job here!"
" They advertised them as 'des. res.' ! Which one is yours? Mine has 2 bedrooms!"
And so the chatter went on...
Chris and I just smiled and strolled hand in hand...what a perfect day
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So the next step was to go to the Mairie for the planning permissions! Then the ' French Administration' took over and we spent a long period ( I cannot recall exactly how long but it was at least 2 months) biding our time and looking into local golf courses and the running of them!

So we struck even! We sold the farm for what we paid for it, making no profit, put our dreams on hold and got back to the business we were running, and concentrated on how to make it profitable. So endeth the tale of the GOLF..............
Monday, May 4, 2009
Jan at Jans'place
Dewlish at A short history of nearly nobody
Lala at My castle in Spain
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Then we had to find an expert who would create the actual course - so we visited a course about 60kms away and met the owner, who was a really obliging gentleman, and he arranged for us to meet with the person who had planned out his course, which was also an 18 hole. He came out to the Chateau the following week and Alex gave him a guided tour of the farm and its land. We thought that the main farmhouse itself would make a good sized clubhouse at the 9th hole, and the expert agreed that it would be good. Alex then left him on his own to wander and get the feel of the land and he agreed to meet us back at he Chateau. Our minds went into a reverie wondering what our ' golf-course' would look like.....

We wished!
When he returned he was full of enthusiasm and asked if we had thought of gaining permission for a large Hotel on the land as well so as to attract golfers from further afield or even abroad . We hadn't considered that, but thought " Why not? In for a penny etc"! All sorts of images flashed through our minds......

So, after a long consultation the golf expert left armed with his figures and we sat back for a few weeks waiting for the final dossier to arrive. We would have to use this dossier to gain planning permissions, and to then find a suitable buyer for the whole package.
to be continued.............
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yup! That is the one --up with the fairies!
Well, I suppose you would call us risk takers-- but we did have a plan!
Our plan was 1) to get as much information as we could about creating a golf-course and everything that has to be done leading up to it. Then, 2) to buy the farm and the land. Then 3) hire a golf-course advisor(?) to create it for us on paper. Then , 4) Apply for planning permission for the course and a club house ( the farm) --and finally, 5) we would then sell the whole deal ( farm and all) to somebody who had the money and ambition to go ahead with the course! Sounds simple enough doesn't it? Yes you are right - it wasn't!
However , we threw caution to the winds, and we bought the farm! Now that was fun at first, as we set about exploring all those acres that were ours, and climbing up into the attic of the old farm building and finding things, like original wooden clogs ( goodness knows how old they were, and what a pity I haven't a photo of them) and boxes of old abandoned pairs of glasses? Wasn't that a strange find! We wondered why they were kept, there were at least 50 pairs;
We also found two fantastic huge old pots which were full of some alcoholic substance, my cousin who was there at the time sampled some and thought it was brandy! We kept those pots and they stand today in our courtyard......

Is it my imagination or can I still smell the brandy ?

These are Chris' legs , bless, to give you an idea of their size -- the pots not the legs:)
You will perhaps have noticed by now that , referring to the plan, point one was not actioned at all, i.e. we took no counselling apart from buying lots of golf magazines and visited a few golfcourses about an hours drive away! Incidentally, neither of us had ever played golf, and I still haven't, enjoyable though it looks!
I try not to let my posts go on too long as there is always so much to relate! It is getting towards evening meal time now so I had better start cooking , we have fish tonight, so à demain!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I awoke this morning a bright and happy person looking forward to all that the day had to bring, and looking forward to resuming my post about the farm.
Sitting at my computer I thought I would, first of all, check into my Twitter site which I had only begun two weeks ago! To be perfectly honest I was not quite getting into it , and also was not understanding why it is so popular. My daughter and her husband are on it so I thought I would give a reasonable try. My initial problem was uploading a photo! I tried numerous shots but they were all rejected, mainly because they were too big, but even after I re-sized one or two, they were rejected; not wishing to give up I persevered and finally got one through --
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Back tomorrow....
Sunday, April 26, 2009
So feeling nostalgic, here are a few old photos, sorry about the quality...

I think that I was standing on a table here! I do remember that this was taken in Jersey. I bet it was a nightmare for my mum to comb my hair out--I know it was for me!

on the beach, I remember that costume it used to fill up with water whenever I went into the sea- I would come out looking like Michelin Man!
my first boyfirend - I rember his name- it was Peter . Great cornets!I wonder now who the legs belonged to?

This is me as an aspiring dancer at the age of 17, it came to nothing, although I have always loved to dance, and still do!
Taurus as from Google archives.....
" Personal Traits Taureans tend to be slow, methodical, practical and reserved. They are also stolid, tenacious and determined. Possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline, they are inclined to stick to tried and traditional methods. Their greatest satisfaction derives from results produced directly by their own personal efforts rather than by others.
Roots are very important to the Taurean. A sense of permanence, a feeling of security is essential. Generally an easygoing person, slow to anger, but once roused is known for a ferocious temper. Very difficult to deal with when angry. Usually set off by jealousy due to a possessive nature. Loyalty is important to a Taurus, and a true friend of a Taurean will speak well of their great generosity. Honesty, integrity and dependability are notable Taurean characteristics. The calm, pleasant, and well intentioned Taurus exterior belies the volcanic temper that can erupt when sufficiently aroused. The bright side of the stubborn bull's nature is, they are incredibly and uncompromisingly loyal to their friends. Established slowly, a Taurus friendship can, and often lasts a lifetime
Positive Traits
Taureans are warm, loving, gentle and charming most of the time. Motivated by self preservation, the Taurean is not a risk taker and weighs every decision carefully, in a slow and methodical manner. To more impulsive people, the Taurean is a bore. Opinionated and stubborn, once a Taurean makes a decision, it is written in stone. nobody can alter it.Basically physical people, they prefer the known to the unknown and the tried to the new. They love the earth, possessions, and generally treat those they love as sacred possessions.
Main positive traits: Stable, dependable, practical, conventional,determined and patient.
Negative Traits
Taureans can be very caring and warmhearted but there is a tendency to be extremely jealous, possessive and very stubborn. Taurus must strive to keep an open mind because his strong personal convictions can blind him to the ideas of others. Risks are taken only if it is absolutely necessary and only after much consideration. This is a sign that's slow to change and would prefer a steady routine in life.me
Main negative traits: Possessive, stubborn, materialistic, lazy. "
Not sure if I would agree with all that! Some of it is correct particuarly the stubborn bit!
Finally a picture of as I am today, sorry it is a bit posey, directed and taken by Chris - Bless him!